But again, this only gives me a head start, not an advantage in any way. I’ve also been building Gundam Models for YEARS so working with plastic and small details is second nature. I’m very familiar with 12v electronics, painting and bodywork. I’ve grown up with a heavy background in the car world. While certain skills obviously put you ahead in some aspects nothing I’ve needed to do through this was something that took months or years to learn. What do you need to do this? How hard is 3D printing? Do you need to know how to design? Draft? Paint? Wire? What does into this? To be honest you don’t really need to know much of anything to start. Along with the reasons I did certain things. I’m not too sure on where to exactly start so I’ll try to summarize what i think is each aspect of this suit and build. It’s been such an amazing journey so far and i can’t thank the maker community enough for all the help! So hopefully this is my way to give something back to the next person looking to make a small dream come on on Instagram So i began to document everything I could and share all the things I was learning to great reception. And Jesus, are people secretive about their strap and harness systems. Any YouTube tutorials and series either never finished or brushed over so much it was more of a demo.

As i started to research and prep and eventually print/build I realized how few resources existed for 3D Printed cosplays to this level. I started 3D Printing just over a year ago after seeing Avengers Endgame to make this suit exclusively and it got a little out of hand. So this is my fully 3D Printed Iron Man MK85 Cosplay. I apologize now for how long this article is but i wanted to get all the information I have out in the open. I’ve been in the USAF for 8 years now and been overseas the entire time. We thank Budwinfor this amazing 3D Printed Iron Man Suit Mark 85 STL.Hello everyone! My name’s Frank and I’m a huge Marvel nerd! I’m 29 and currently stationed in the UK with my wife and doggos. 3D Printed Iron Man Full Suit Mark 85 STL Author Recognition This work is protected under Creative Commons (4.0 Licencia Internacional) Attribution-NonCommercial. If you are planning to use it commercially, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the author. To receive your well-deserved recognition from us & the community.ĭISCLAIMER: Files are FREE only for personal use.

Please email us at with the subject ( STL Creator Contribution) with your contact information, such as your social media (IG, TikTok, Youtube, etc.). No file is too small or complicated (they can be parts, mods, props, whatever you want to share). In exchange, we will put your info, website, and social media so people can see and buy other creations from you. We invite all the STL Creators and artists to share some of your creations and help us build an excellent Free STL library.